
The human resource consultancy

• Outplacement –Counselling and assistance on the basis of merit for employees affected by reduction on the employment or the job losses.

• Assessment center –Evaluation of managers and employees’ competence using behavioral observation methods, interactions during performing group tasks, and by evaluating the results of individual projects.

• Employee assessment –Implementation of the appraisal system at all levels, based on the management by objectives.

• Managerial coaching –Individual classes.

• Examination based on traditional methods the performance and the employee satisfaction. Help in creating plans for improving results.

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Executive search and talent acquisition


Trainings and personal consulting

For our Clients we offer trainings and personal consulting


PROF-JAM Sp. z o.o.

KRS: 0000324883
NIP: 6342709940
REGON: 241127515


© 2018 PROF - JAM Sp. z o.o. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone


tel.: +48 (32) 700 36 03
fax: +48 (32) 700 36 48
ul. Sobieskiego 11 lok. E6
40-082 Katowice,

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